• M.T.R. Mondal Horticulture Division, Bangladesh Instirute of Nucler Agriculture, BAU Campus, Mymensingh-2202

    M.R. Islam Horticulture Division, Bangladesh Instirute of Nucler Agriculture, BAU Campus, Mymensingh-2202

    M.S. Haque Plant breeding Division, Bangladesh Instirute of Nucler Agriculture, BAU Campus, Mymensingh-

    A.S.M. Hasibuzzaman Plant breeding Division, Bangladesh Instirute of Nucler Agriculture, BAU Campus, Mymensingh-

    M.I. Ali Agronomy Division, Bangladesh Instirute of Nucler Agriculture, BAU Campus, Mymensingh-2202


A field experiment was carried out at Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA) sub-station farm, Magura during Rabi season of 2020-21. The objective of the experiment was to determine the optimum dose and time of foliar application of Boron. The treatments were viz., 0.5g B L-1 .H2O at vegetative stage, 1.0g B L-1.H2O at vegetative stage, 0.5g B L-1.H2O at vegetative stage + g B L-1.H2O at Fruiting stage, 1.0g B L-1.H2O at vegetative stage + 1.0 g B L-1.H2O at Fruiting stage, 1.5g B L-1.H2O at vegetative stage, 1.5g B L-1 L.H2O at vegetative stage + 1.5g B L-1. H2O at Fruiting stage, 2.0g B L-1.H2O at vegetative stage, 2.0g B L-1.H2O at vegetative stage + 2.0g B L-1.H2O at Fruiting stage and control. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The Plot size of the experiment was 3m × 2m. Various parameters were influenced significantly by different concentrations of boron except for plant height. Maximum number of branches (5.07 plant-1), number of fruits (25.67 plant-1), fruit length (11.47 cm), single fruit weight (185.80g) and fruit yield 5.33 kg plant-1 and 10.66 t ha-1) were found from foliar application of boron with 1.0g B L-1.H2O at the vegetative stage and 1.0g B L-1. H2O at the fruiting stage while minimum from control. The study suggested that foliar application of boron with 1.0g B L-1.H2O at the vegetative stage and 1.0g B L-1.H2O at the fruiting stage could be recommended to get maximum yield of brinjal.


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