Information for the contributors
Authors willing to contribute to the Bangladesh Journal of Nuclear Agriculture (BJNA) are request to kindly note the following instructions/information while preparing their papers.
- Contribution for BJNA should be addressed to the Executive Editor, Bangladesh Journal of Nuclear Agriculture (BJNA), Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, BAU Campus, Mymensigh-2202, Bangladesh.
- Manuscripts must be in English and type written in double space throughout with reasonable margin (4 cm).
- Articles must be original reports of research not previously or simultaneously published or under consideration for publication in any other scientific and technical journal.
- Articles should contain results of at least two years of field experiments/multilocation field trials or enough information of green house/pot/field experiments using nuclear and other advanced techniques. Articles containing results of experiments conducted five years before will not be considered for publications.
- Manuscripts should not exceed 4000 words inclusive of tables and figures, and should be submitted in duplicate. Review papers of original research should not exceed 5000 words and short communications should not exceed 1600 words including table and figures.
- The title of the paper should be short and specific and should represent the exact nature of the contents of the article. Botanical or zoological names should be excluded from the title. A short running title of the paper should be given in the forwarding letter.
- Three to five key words characterizing the text contents must be included just below the abstract.
- Contributions should be prepared in the usually accepted form with an Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements (if any) and References. An Abstract not exceeding 200 words should immediately proceed the Introduction. It should contain in brief objectives, the materials and methods used and the main results obtained. The presentation of short communication should be continuous and paragraphed i.e. a short communication paper should have abstract containing the gist of the paper and should not exceed 50 words.
- Tables and graphs should be followed by texts. Each table and graph should be identified by Arabic numbers and by a short descriptive title. 10. All units of weights and measurements, etc. should be expressed in metric system. All graphs and figures should be computers composed by latest version.
- References should be cited in the text following the number and year system in brackets e.g. (Micke and Sigurbjornsson, 1972). In case of more than two authors, the first name should be followed by “et al.” e.g. (Swaminath et al., 1970). References to publications other than journals e.g. Proceedings, Books etc. should proceed by “In” and include name of publisher and place of publications e.g. (In: Induced Mutations for Improvement of Grain Legume Production. IAEA-TECDOC-234, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna. pp. 62-72). Publications without a named author should be listed chronologically under “Anonymous”.
- All citations should be listed alphabetically as follows: Zakir, A. H. and Grafius, J. E. 1978. Development algometry and its implication to grain yield in barley. Crop Sci. 18: 83-86.
- Journal abbreviations should comply with the abbreviated titles of journals as in the world list of scientific periodicals (4th Ed). The author(s) are also advised to see the latest version of the journal.
- Proofs may be sent to the authors for correction.
- The Journal will be available online at BINA website: