• M.M.A. Mondal Crop Physiology Division, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh

    M.S. Rahman Crop Physiology Division, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh


An experiment was carried out to study the effect of different levels of boron (B) on yield of three bold seeded groundnut cultivars viz., Binachinabadam-1, Binachinabadam-2 and Binachinabadam-3. Plants were grown in sand using nutrient solution in the pots. The experiment comprised six levels of boron viz., 0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5 kg ha-1. Results indicated that physiological parameters, reproductive characters, yield attributes and pod yield increased with increasing levels of boron application till 2.5 kg B ha-1. The highest total dry matter (14.02 g plant-1), number of opened flowers (44.07 plant-1) and reproductive efficiency (46.53%) were recorded in 2.5 kg ha-1 and the lowest was recorded in 3.5 kg B ha-1 except reproductive efficiency. The highest number of pods plant-1 (20.67), single pod weight (832 mg) and pod weight plant-1 (17.09 g) was observed in 2.5 kg B ha-1 application followed by 2.0 kg B ha-1. In contrast, application of B @ 3.5 kg ha-1 showed the lowest number of pods (8.60) and pod yield (6.94 g). Among the varieties, Binachinabadam-1 produced the highest pod yield (12.81 g plant-1).


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Research Article